If you want to see all item fulfilments for a sales order on one line versus a row for each:

In our example Sales Order 2193 has Items fulfilled on IF 47 and IF 71. Starting with

SELECT T.tranid
	FROM Transaction T
	INNER JOIN TransactionLine TL ON (TL.Transaction = T.ID)
	WHERE T.Type = 'ItemShip'  and TL.CreatedFrom=2193
	group by T.tranid

We will get 2 rows

  1. IF47
  2. IF71

Now we want these in one text result in one row. We will use Oracle’s List Aggregator function LISTAGG

We can wrap the sample query above as follows:

SELECT LISTAGG (T2.tranid, ', ')
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY T2.tranid ) "tranid"
	SELECT T.tranid
	FROM Transaction T
	INNER JOIN TransactionLine TL ON (TL.Transaction = T.ID)
	WHERE T.Type = 'ItemShip'  and TL.CreatedFrom=2193
	group by T.tranid
) as T2

Now the result is

  1. “IF47, IF71”

This can be powerful to show lots of data brought from many linked tables on one row for an entity or transaction.